Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas Weight Gain, UGH!!

Ok, so I must admit I have seriously fallen off the wagon. With the stress of losing my job and other personal issues, it's been difficult for me to stick to a workout routine and eat right. I know I'm an emotional eater and not so much in the sense that I eat when I'm happy, but I eat when I'm stressed and I get mad crazy cravings for the worst foods in the world for you. I've realized that in my times of stress, I've used food to help me through the stress, sort of to "uplift" me temporarily. But what I have also now realized is that feeling is only temporary and after I have eaten said crappy food or made some piss-poor excuse NOT to work out, I feel even worse than I did before, therefore adding even more unneeded stress. So, in the spirit of the "New Year's Resolution" (which I never make them), I am going to make the commitment to myself to get healthy again, not only physically, but mentally as well. Because to overcome weight issues there is a mental battle involved and if you are not quite right mentally, it's going to be even harder to attain any kind of physical goals. Mind and body need to work together to help the other out and for balance. It's taken me year's of trial and error to figure this out, the hard way I might add, but I finally figured it out. Now it's all about action. So, in my quest to not only better my body but my soul, I am joining my favorite trainer, motivator, coach and personal hero Chalene Johnson in her 30 day Motivational Challenge. It's geared to help you learn how to get organized, set and master your goals. I strongly encourage you to do it with me (as far as I know, it's free). Here's the link: Chalene's 30 Day Challenge.

I do have a new job, which I love. It doesn't pay as much, but I love it and I'm happy there and that is what matters. I am still working at Courtney's so I am making some extra money there too. There are lots of things I want to do in the new year and I know this challenge will help me to get organized enough to do it.

In closing I wish everyone a very very Happy New Year and please be safe.

(Not-so, but soon to be again) Skinny Phoenix