Monday, December 19, 2011

Seriously, I Have Found the Cure for Stress!!

My Monday didn't start off so wonderful today. I woke up, only because my 9 year old had woke me up because my alarm failed to go off. My stomach was killing me for reasons still unknown. I had to rush to get my kids ready and get them to daycare and school. I get to work late. Have a meeting with my boss, who ended up giving me more work that is due in an insane deadline. Had another executive that I had to do work for today, which added to my already bursting workload. Took a short lunch so I could continue hacking away at my mounting tasks. Finally by 6:30 pm, after working an hour and a half late, I decided I better get my butt home so I could work out, shower and get ready to meet with some very awesome friends for dinner.

In between work and my workout my ex-husband decides to berate me with some very rather unpleasant texts which was him lashing all his negativity and hatred at me. I try to stay decently calm when dealing with him, but sometimes that is the hardest thing to do and all I want to do is lash back. I did lash back a little (shame on me, I know), but I regained control and just ended the conversation and stopped responding. I used the anger and frustration that was created because of that conversation and put that, along with the entire stresses of my day into my work out and killed it!  You know how that made me feel afterward? Amazing! I felt so relieved, strong, powerful and in control of my emotions. Working out made me centered again. It brought me the inner peace I needed from my stressful day.

This is one of the main reasons I work out. Not just for the physical benefits of it, but also for the mental aspects. I get that natural high afterward because I know I pushed my workout to my top performance level. I feel at peace, truly happy and euphoric.

I also have recharged my confidence and self-respect to help me better deal with those every day unpleasantries that invade our daily lives. So the next time you've had one of the most stressful days of your week, take that stress out in a workout. I promise that's exactly where you'll leave it!

1 comment:

  1. So true! I have told everyone the benefits I've gotten from my personal training sessions have done so much more for me than just make me fit and healthier...It's better than spending my money on a therapist some days!
