As the year comes to a close and the new one fast approaching, everyone is starting to think about resolutions. Did you realize that 80% of people never achieve their resolutions?! Astonishing. Mainly it's because people make resolutions without a MAP (massive action plan). So in an effort to make sure my GOALS (I use goals rather than resolutions), as well as yours, for the new year come to fruition I am going to lay out some steps to help in the success of achieving them.
Step 1 - Write down your top 10 goals for 2012. When you write them, write them as if it's the end of 2012 and they have already happened. For example, I lost 30 pounds and cut my body fat percentage to 12%.
Step 2 - Be specific with your goals. Simply saying, "I'm going to lose weight" isn't specific enough and you won't have anything to "measure". See the above example? I set 30 pounds as my goal and also had a goal of getting to 12% body fat.
Step 3 - Set a specific deadline for each goal. Be realistic when setting your goal. Don't say I will lose 30 pounds by Feb. 15, when you are starting January 1st. Also, don't be too lax on a deadline either. Saying you will lose 30 pounds by the end of the year is too broad and you are more likely to keep putting it off.
Step 4 - Stay Accountable. Tell several close friends your goals, or better yet, get an accountability partner. This way you'll both hold each other accountable for your goals and you're more likely to stick to them.
Step 5 - Break it down. Break down your goals into smaller short term tasks that will help achieve your goal. If one of your major goals is losing weight then working out, healthy eating, daily food tracking etc. should be on your list of daily to-do's.
Step 6 - Celebrate. Don't forget to celebrate achievements. Especially in the process of reaching your goal. It will keep you motivated. My best example of this is that I get to buy a new outfit after losing 10 pounds. Don't reward yourself with things that are going to sabotage your ultimate goal. Like gorging on an ice cream bender to DQ. Use things that will keep you motivated to sticking to your plan.
Finally when you have set your goals, only tackle those that you know you can handle. Trying to take on 6 goals at once is going to lead to stress, derailment and failure. Focus is KEY! I cannot stress enough. It's once we lose our focus that we start to fail.
So get cracking! Write down those goals, tell your friends, and find the tools to make sure you will succeed this year. You can do it, I know you can!!
If you need an accountability partner, look me up on Facebook. I run Challenges regularly and I am here to help you!
Cheers, love and prosperity to all in the New Year!
Skinny Phoenix
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