Eating should NOT be a race. Hurrying through a meal causes you to miss most of its delicious flavors, not to mention that you're likely to eat way more than you should. That's because your body doesn't recognize it's full until twenty minutes after you've eaten too much. I must admit, that I was an offender. But I've slowed way down. I use to always eat lunch at my desk, finish eating supper 10 minutes before everyone else, and my breakfast... well that is always an "on-the-go" meal.
So knowing that I needed to slow down to really enjoy and savor my meals took some getting use to. A great way to do this, is to eat with a friend that you know you will talk a lot with. Why? Because talking to someone while you're eating, slows down the process. You usually don't talk with your mouth full, so you can consciously take smaller bites, taste and chew your food longer while you listen to your dinner buddy give you the dish on everything exciting in their life! Juicy low-down on friend and eating your meal slower so that you will feel fuller without overindulging, BONUS! But be careful doing this. When you get your meal, or better yet make it yourself, portion out exactly what you should be eating, so you don't trap yourself into the "mindless noms" of just stuffing your face because something is in front of you and you are distracted by the enthralling conversation of your friend. Be aware of how much you're eating and just slow down, relax, TASTE your food and enjoy the wonderful company.
Alternatively, if you are solo dining, this is a great time to really analyze how you eat. Instead of rushing through your meal to get to whatever it is next that you need to rush to, go slower. Put your phone down. Turn off the television. Chew slowly and focus on each bite, putting your fork down between them. Also, get your full glass of water in, by taking a drink after every bite. By doing so, you'll reach that feeling of satiety without ever feeling like you need to unloosen your belt a notch.
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