Ok, so I wanted to talk a little bit about strength training. I am currently doing Chalean Extreme circuit training, so I thought it would be fitting to write about. I've talked to several friends, girls particularly, and they always say the same thing..."Oh I won't lift weights because I don't want to bulk up". Sorry, but I am going to stomp that myth in it's tracks right now. That is a bunch of bullsh*t. Women naturally are smaller than men and do not have the testosterone to "bulk up". Muscle makes us girls look leaner, helps us burn fat faster, makes us look younger and more youthful, softens our skin, strengthens not only our muscles but our brains as well. I use to think the same thing, lifting = bulky. Well, I'm going to break it to you plain and simple, unless you're taking steroids you're not going to "bulk up" like a guy.
Still not convinced you should strength train? Here's a good reason. After the age of 30, we all lose a quarter pound of muscle mass each year. Yikes! With less muscle, our metabolism slows down and we gain fat—averaging about 15 pounds a decade. While muscle is metabolically active (each pound of muscle burns approximately 35 to 50 calories per day), stored fat is not, burning far fewer calories. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day, whether you're walking, vacuuming . . . even sleeping! What's more, while aerobic activity burns fat during exercise, weight training utilizes fat hours after exercising, so your metabolism stays slightly elevated for a longer period of time following a strength-training session than following an aerobic workout.
I don't know about you, but I'm all for burning fat while sleeping! :D
So get into a weight training schedule, whether you want to try Chalean Extreme, hire a personal trainer, or go to a gym, just start somewhere! As always, I am here to help, so if you want to get a program through me or have any questions, I am here to help you achieve your goals too!
Have a FIT day!
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