Monday, December 26, 2011

10 Tips for the Ladies

According to the latest statistics, beauty is a $32.2 billion industry—so I'm guessing it's a topic of interest for most women (myself included). Luckily, this no longer means slapping on some lipstick and bleaching our hair to make the boys in our lives drool. Women are starting to define beauty on their own terms, not only seeing it as an external goal but also an internal adventure. It's about looking and feeling great.

We've all heard how men get better with age, and women, not so much. But I believe women can stay just as hot and healthy as men. Here's how to do it.
  1. For beautiful skin: Make sure you are protecting your skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen before going outside and reapplying every 2 hours. Also, keep away from too much exposure between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM. Smoking is a no-no when it comes to skin. It causes wrinkles and makes you look older. Be sure to ask your doctor for ways to quit if you're struggling on your own. It's also important to eat a healthy diet. Last but not least, keep your stress levels down to avoid breakouts and other skin problems.
  2. For beautiful hair: Beautiful, lustrous hair is a characteristic of health. It's also a characteristic of hotness. As we age our hair tends to get thinner and lose its color and shine. A balanced, healthy diet helps create beautiful hair. Integrate foods high in protein including meats, eggs, beans, and nuts. Look for foods high in essential fatty acids, omega-3s—tuna, salmon, peanut butter, almonds, walnuts, sunflower oil, canola oil, olive oil, and safflower oil. Last but not least, eat foods high in iron including dark greens, beans, raisins, red meats, and egg yolks.
  3. For a beautiful smile: A beautiful smile is super hot. If you're looking for a natural, cheap way to whiten your teeth, you can use baking soda. Due to its gritty nature, it's able to erase stains on the teeth. Just dip your toothbrush in water then baking soda and brush away the grime. Peroxide is also a great whitener. Take equal parts water and 3 percent household hydrogen peroxide, swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds (do not swallow) and ta-da! You have whiter teeth in seconds.
  4. For beautiful eyes: Our eyes are one (two) of our most precious commodities. One of the most common problems these days is eye strain due to staring at the computer or phone for long periods of time. This can sometimes have long-term damage—take breaks often. It's also important to have UV protective eyewear when exposed to the sun. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is very important for eyes. Carrots and sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene that helps ward off macular degeneration and cataracts, as do foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli, bell peppers, and brussels sprouts. Spinach is also a great food for the eyes; it contains vitamin C, antioxidants, and carotene that can protect your eyes from the sun.
  5. For healthy bones: Judy Stenmark, CEO of Osteoporosis Australia, suggests that the best ways for a woman to maintain healthy bones are: 1) Eat foods rich in calcium, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, baked beans, oranges, apricots, almonds, walnuts, and salmon. 2) Exercise to help build and maintain strong bones. Yoga is a very gentle and productive way to strengthen your bones. 3) Maintain healthy hormone levels, specifically estrogen, which helps women absorb calcium. 4) Consume vitamin D, which helps you absorb calcium. The best way to do this is safe amounts of sun exposure; "about 6 to 15 minutes of incidental sunlight, 4 or 6 times a week, supplies an adequate dose," says Stenmark.
  6. For a healthy heart: Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in women. There are many things that need to be addressed when promoting a healthy heart. According to the American Heart Association, one should avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight, exercise at least 30 minutes a day, and eat a healthy, balanced diet. Foods that will help keep your heart healthy are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Research studies suggest that fatty acids slow down the production of artery plaque. Omega-3s can also ward off inflammation, blood clots, and keep your blood pressure at safe levels. Load up on foods like salmon, tuna, oatmeal, flaxseed, almonds, and walnuts. Many fruits and vegetables also have vitamins and minerals that will keep your arteries free of cholesterol-induced plaque. Include apples, grapes, tomatoes, berries, spinach, chard, and garbanzo beans in your diet to keep your pipes clean.
  7. For a hot body: This is an obvious one, I know. You have 1,440 minutes in every day. Set 30 of those aside for exercise. As a Beachbody Coach, I make it my personal mission to convince the world that you need to integrate exercise into your life, just like you integrate brushing your teeth. Exercise can keep you young and healthy both on the inside and out. It's important that you enjoy yourself while exercising, so you will be encouraged to continue and get your heart rate up, so that you jump-start your metabolism.
  8. Keep your hormones in check: When a woman's hormones are off, the whole world knows it. But more importantly, she feels it. Hormones are important chemicals in the body that are responsible for transferring information from one cell to another. Hormones affect every part of your being, both internally and externally. You can help regulate your hormones by decreasing stress, increasing exercise, and eating a healthy diet. Eating hormone-free foods that are high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can help regulate hormones in your system. You can find your omegas in vegetable oils, fish oils, nuts, and seeds. Eating lots of fruits and veggies will keep you stocked up on vitamins and minerals as well. Soy products should be consumed in moderation to avoid an overabundance of estrogen production. Always keep in mind that you may need to work with a doctor in order to get the proper treatment should problems persist.
  9. For intellect: Imagine your brain as a forest. Your brain cells or neurons would be tree trunks, and your dendrites would be the branches growing from the trunks and forming the canopy of the brain. When you begin to age, your brain cells start to lose the tree branches that connect neurons to other neurons. You need these tree branches to help facilitate thoughts. When they deteriorate, you can become forgetful and lose proper functioning skills. Current scientific research suggests that exercise is actually the best combatant against mental decline. Dr. Fred Gage at the Laboratory of Genetics at the Salk Institute conducted a scientific research study involving mice running on wheels. He found that the mice that participated in exercise were able to easily find their way through mazes, and scored significantly higher on rodent IQ tests than those who were not able to exercise. So if a few spins on the wheel do that, imagine what a round of P90X® or TurboFire® can do (hint: see my previous post on the Cure for Stress!). 
  10. For a beautiful soul: Stated beautifully by Audrey Hepburn, "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." Ladies, beauty is so much more than your physical body. The most beautiful thing about women is our own unique expression of self in this world. Women must cultivate an inner, timeless beauty that will only flourish as we age. It is important that you continually check in internally to make sure you are integrating pleasurable, centering activities. Meditation, exercising, reading, and spending time with friends and family that love you are all amazing soul foods. Begin creating a "Bliss List" today, documenting all the activities that make you happy, and be sure to integrate several of those things in your everyday life.

Ladies, life is short and we only get one ride around the world in this body of ours. You are beyond blessed for having been given the honor of being a woman. Be the best you can be, and always honor your body, mind, and soul in order to stay "hot and healthy." Age does not define your worth, YOU DO!

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